Een Teken - Froukje

In the video clip Een Teken the viewer is transported to a twilight world filled with a half-wrapped or unpacked dozen, a forgotten video game, spaghetti on the carpet and Froukje and her band, in slumber mode. The clip of Een Teken talks about the stillness and lethargy that can sometimes take possession of you. But with time everything comes loose, a small sign can give direction again, like a lighthouse ashore from a fire deeper into the swamp.
42th NFF - Netherlands Film Festival - Best Music Video Competition
XITE Music Video Award Winner - Netherlands, September 2020
 Froukje Veenstra, Pieteke Dik, Julius van Eijs
Director: Simon Becks, Cas Mulder 
Production company: Pierette Goossens 
Producer: Pierette Goossens
Producer: Luuk Lugtenburg, Yentl Vlachos 
DOP: Tjerk Muilwijk 
1st AC: Nino Kennis
Gaffer: Ralph Schooneboom
Best boy electric: Bram Aarts
Best boy grip: Raf Lormans
Art Direction: Kotryna Buruckaité, Noortje De Brouwer
Styling: Imre van Schooneveld
Mua: Minx
Edit: Maarten Valstar
Grading: Sean Louw
Graphic Design: Pieter Jan Boterhoek
Location: Grace Locations
Big thanks to: Cam & Light Unit, Zuiderling, Huis van de Burgemeester, TopNotch, Froukje Bouma en Serena Oosterloo